
This directory contains key
symbols found on Graphing and Standard calculators. Keys
are sorted by function, and can be downloaded onto a PC and
used to make your own customised textbooks. |
Simply drag the key symbol into your document (e.g. in Microsoft Word®).
Alternatively, select the symbol with your mouse, press
the right mouse button, select the copy command from
the pop-up menu, then the paste command once you are
in your document. It is also possible to download all
the symbols at once in zip format. |
Simply drag the key symbol into your document (e.g. in Microsoft Word®).
Alternatively, select the symbol with your mouse, hold
the mouse button down, select the copy command from
the pop-up menu, then the paste command once you are
in your document. It is also possible to download all
the symbols at once in sit format. |
on |
oncl |
off |
enter |
ent |
exe |
second_F |
mode |
U_mode |
set_up |
U_set_up |
format |
left |
right |
up |
down |
tab |
drg |
fse |
modify |
a_lock |
calc |
arithmetic |
math |
solver |
prgm |
U_prgm |
finance |
slide |
option |
tool |
clip |
U_FE |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
space |
point |
comma |
U_comma |
colon |
sign_c |
sign |
L_paren |
UL_paren |
R_paren |
UR_paren |
pi |
UM_pi |
exp |
U_exp |
ca |
cl |
del |
ins |
bs |
quit |
vars |
U_vars |
S_i |
i |
S_e |
U_angle |
angle |
L1 |
L2 |
L3 |
L4 |
L5 |
L6 |
entry |
F1 |
F2 |
F3 |
F4 |
unit |
xy_frac |
dms |
d1 |
d2 |
d3 |
d4 |
del |
xy |
e |
a_bc |
change |
plus |
minus |
multiply |
divide |
equal |
dc_frac |
C_frac |
C_Mfrac |
A_xxx |
C_num |
in_D |
U_int_D |
M_plus |
U_Mplus |
M_minus |
M_clr |
recall |
U_recall |
store |
answer |
C_angle/ |
C_deg |
polar |
rectangular |
ref_ANS |
math |
finance |
list |
ctlg |
simp |
U_not |
U_and |
U_or |
U_xor |
U_xnor |
U_hex |
U_bin |
U_dec |
U_oct |
U_pen |
U_ddx |
U_algb |
int_dx |
U_conv |
cnst |
U_frac |
caps_simp |
ab_frac |
M_frac |
caps_ABfrac |
a_bcfrac |
sigma |
a_bc |
sin |
cos |
tan |
A_sin |
A_cos |
A_tan |
hyp |
A_hyp |
random |
percent |
Square |
U_Square |
cube |
yx_power |
U_yx |
ab_power |
root |
U_root |
X_root |
A_root |
3_root |
inverse |
factorial |
ncr |
npr |
10_power |
log |
U_log |
e_power |
in |
U_in |
U_gcf |
U_lcm |
logax |
x3 |
abs |
stat |
stat_var |
statplot |
U_statplot |
data |
cd |
splits_D |
x_average |
sx |
x_deviation |
num |
x_sigma |
XP_sigma |
xy_sigma |
y_sigma |
YP_sigma |
y_average |
y_deviation |
sy |
S_a |
S_b |
S_c |
S_r |
x_estimate |
y_estimate |
UL_xaverage |
U_sx |
U_xdeviation |
L_frq |
xy |
equation |
graph |
table |
window |
zoom |
trace |
ez |
graph_C |
calc |
draw |
split |
tblset |
matrix |
U_matrix |
S_x |
X_theta |
sub |
S_u |
S_v |
S_w |
alpha |
a |
b |
c |
d |
e |
f |
g |
h |
i |
j |
k |
l |
m |
n |
o |
p |
q |
r |
s |
t |
u |
v |
w |
x |
y |
z |
theta |
space |
colon |
U_equal |
· |
All company and/or product names are trademarks
and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners. |