Corporate Governance

Internal Control Systems(As of October 2024)

Ongoing Development of the Internal Control System

In May 2006, the Board of Directors passed a resolution to adopt the Basic Policy for Internal Control (final revision in August 2024). Sharp is currently engaged in the development and operation of internal control systems in accordance with this Basic Policy. The Internal Control Committee, which serves as an advisory body to the Board of Directors, deliberates on basic policies regarding internal controls, internal audits, and the status of internal controls-related policies and operations. The committee reports on or refers matters to the Board of Directors as necessary. Sharp has established departments to supervise and implement measures and initiatives related to internal controls on a company-wide basis. Sharp has also established an independent internal audit division to evaluate the effectiveness of internal control and provide feedback on a continuing basis.

To enhance compliance throughout the Group, Sharp introduced the Sharp Group Charter of Corporate Behavior, a set of principles to guide corporate behavior, and the Sharp Code of Conduct, which clarifies the conduct expected of all directors, executives, and employees of Sharp. Disseminating these throughout the Company and conducting annual trainings fosters a mindset of preventing problems before they occur. In accordance with the basic rules of compliance, Sharp is also developing a companywide compliance promotion system. Sharp is also formulating the Sharp Group Compliance Guidebook which points out specific standards for items to be observed, prohibited items, and actions to be taken by all directors, executives, and employees. This is being provided to the whole company in order to ensure thorough compliance.

On the subject of compliance-related whistleblowing systems, we have established the Crystal Hotline to handle various issues regarding compliance, including organizational or individual violations of the law or ethics, and the workplace occurring at Sharp or domestic subsidiaries as well as the Competition Law Hotline to handle issues regarding competition laws. These hotlines have been established both internally and externally (making use of advisory law firm services) in keeping with the Whistleblower Protection Act and may be used by any employees or temporary employees of the Sharp Group in Japan, or employees of its business partners, etc*. In addition, our major overseas bases have also established similar whistleblowing and consultation facilities.

To deal comprehensively and systematically with a wide range of business risks, Sharp formulated its Business Risk Management Guidelines for the prevention of risk and for the swift response to any emerging risks.