Green Procurement

November 2024

Based on the Sharp Group's (hereafter “Sharp”) basic environmental philosophy: “Creating an Environmentally conscious company with Sincerity and Creativity”, the Sharp works on product development and corporate activities with environmental consciousness. Further, in collaboration with the suppliers, Sharp not only strengthens environmental preservation activities but also promotes “Green Procurement” that is environmentally conscious purchase activities by procuring parts and materials with less environmental impact, etc.

The suppliers are kindly requested to proactively promote environmental preservation and management, to work on environmentally friendly business activities and product development, and to supply parts and materials that conform to the Evaluation Standards for Sharp's Green Procurement (See the table below).

Regarding Sharp's green procurement, in addition to “quality, cost, and delivery time” that is defined in the conventional procurement standards, evaluation of environmental considerations based on the “Environmental Management” and “Delivered Goods Evaluation” are also carried out.

1. Environmental Management Evaluation

In the Environmental Management Evaluation, efforts in environmental preservation of the supplier's entire organization are evaluated.

1.1 Sharp Green Procurement Guidelines

Among the environmental management items, details of “management of chemical substances” and “preservation of biodiversity” are defined in the “Sharp Green Procurement Guidelines”.

Sharp Green Procurement Guidelines Ver.7.0

Japanese English Chinese




The latest version of the “Sharp Green Procurement Guidelines” is Version-7.0 issued in June 2018.

1.2 Sharp Supply-Chain CSR Deployment Guidebook

As for the environmental management items other than “management of chemical substances” and “preservation of biodiversity”, please refer to the “Sharp Supply-Chain CSR Development Guidebook”.

2. Delivered Goods Evaluation

In Delivered Goods Evaluation, management of chemical substances that are contained in the parts and materials (raw material, general-purpose parts, finished goods, semi-finished parts, auxiliary materials, etc.) is subject to evaluation. The suppliers are kindly requested not only to conform to “Standards for Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Parts and Materials” but also to submit the “Report on Chemical Substances Contained in the Product” and the “Analysis data”, to input the Content Survey, and to appropriately deal with migration of phthalates in the manufacturing process, etc.

2.1 Standards for Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Parts and Materials

In consideration of laws and regulations on chemical substances in various countries in the world as well as possible trends of future regulations, Sharp has been implementing its management of chemical substances contained in parts and materials by categorizing them into “substances to be banned (banned substances, substances banned depending on application)” and “managed substances”.

“Standard Manual for Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Parts and Materials” can be downloaded from the link below:

Standard Manual for Management of Chemical Substances Contained in Parts and Materials Ver.5.0

Japanese English Chinese




2.2 Request for Attachment of “Report on Chemical Substances Contained in the Product” and the “Analysis data” to Specification Sheet

As a part of Delivered Goods Evaluation, with regard to substances to be banned, Sharp conducts confirmation of “Report on Chemical Substances Contained in the Product” and “Analysis data” for the EU RoHS-related10 substances at the start of a new transaction.

The suppliers are kindly requested to submit the “Report on Chemical Substances Contained in the Product” and the “Analysis data” together with the specification sheet for parts/materials to be newly adopted.

< Target items >

All of newly delivered parts and units.

  • All of newly adopted parts and materials, and packaging materials which delivered with them.
  • We request to report chemical substances in packaging materials with same criteria of parts and materials.

(1) Report on Chemical Substances Contained in the Product

“Report on Chemical Substances Contained in the Product” can be downloaded from the link below.

Start the download by selecting a Business Unit (SBS-SWS*1/ Communication*2/ for Device*3/ Other than left*4), etc. of supply destination, the format (Excel/PDF), the language (Japanese/English/Chinese), input necessary information, and submit as the attached document of the specification sheet.

  • Smart Work Solutions BU. of Smart Business Solutions BU.
  • Mobile Communication BU.
  • Sharp Sensing Technology Corporation (SSTC), Sharp Display Technology Corporation (SDTC), Sharp Semiconductor Innovation Corporation (SSIC) and Sharp Fukuyama Laser Co., Ltd. (SFL)
  • Smart Appliances & Solutions BU (SAS), TV Systems BU (TVS), Sharp Energy Solution Corporation (SESJ), Smart Business Solutions BU (SBS)〔Other than Smart Work Solutions BU (SWS)〕 etc.
  • Smart Work Solutions BU. of Smart Business Solutions BU.
  • Mobile Communication BU.
  • Sharp Sensing Technology Corporation (SSTC), Sharp Display Technology Corporation (SDTC), Sharp Semiconductor Innovation Corporation (SSIC) and Sharp Fukuyama Laser Co., Ltd. (SFL)
  • Smart Appliances & Solutions BU (SAS), TV Systems BU (TVS), Sharp Energy Solution Corporation (SESJ), Smart Business Solutions BU (SBS)〔Other than Smart Work Solutions BU (SWS)〕 etc.

(2) Analysis data

Sharp requests submission of “Analysis data” concerning EU RoHS 10 substances (Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, PBB, PBDE, DEHP, BBP, DBP, and DIBP).

Suppliers are kindly requested to attach the “Analysis data” to the specification sheet for the parts/materials that are newly adopted.

< Analysis data requirement conditions >

  • Basically, we accept the data which the date of submission to Sharp is less than one year from measurement date of analysis data.
  • For each parts/materials, “measurement point”, “measured data on RoHS 10 substances (Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Hexavalent chromium, PBB, PBDE, DEHP, BBP, DBP, and DIBP)”, and “the name of organization of analysis” are required.
  • If you judge the exemption of EU RoHS on you parts and materials, please describe the reason of the judgement.
  • In the case when any written document with which RoHS conformity can be determined (composition table, etc. of the material manufacturer) is available, such document can be used as the substitute.
  • The analysis data is not required for following items.
    • ‒ Packaging materials if it is clear that the discharged at Sharp's bases, and do not have the risk of migration or contamination
    • ‒ Metals, Glass, and Ceramic materials: We do not require to submit analysis data of PBB, PBDE and phthalates.

“RoHS Analysis Method Guidelines” that is the guideline for the analyzing methods can be downloaded from the link below:
Please use this when requesting a third-party analysis organization to do the analysis.

2.3 Request for Input in Content Survey

In order to respond to regulations on chemical substances in various countries such as EU REACH Regulation *9, Sharp, by utilizing the IT system, has been collecting information about contents of chemical substances contained in parts/materials delivered to Sharp. As the information gathering tool, Sharp utilizes the information transfer scheme “chemSHERPA*10” governed by International Standard IEC62474 *11.

The suppliers are kindly requested to log in to the Sharp “SCOPE (Sharp procurement portal site)” and register the chemSHERPA data from “Sharp Content Survey System”. The survey manual can be downloaded from the link below:

  • European regulation for chemical substances that obligates registration, evaluation, and approval of chemical substances manufactured or imported within EU
  • Information transfer scheme that was developed on the initiative of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan with the aim to effectively transfer the information about chemical substances contained in products in the whole supply chain
  • International standard that defines means and contents of information transfer for the supply chain of the chemical substances and component parts included in products in the electrical and electronic industries


For further information, please contact the Materials Procurement Department or the Quality and Reliability Control Center of each Business Unit or base, or the following contacts.

  • ESG Promotion Department, Management Planning Division, Corporate Strategic Planning and Corporate Group