Sharp Stresses Environmental Protection at Shanghai Lecture
Sharp Corporation focused on the theme of activities aimed at becoming an environmentally advanced company as it participated in a series of lectures organized by the city of Shanghai on November 15, 2007 at the Shanghai International Convention Center. Held since 2001, this event invites representatives of leading international corporations to speak on their business fields of expertise. About 500 companies have taken part so far.
In his keynote speech to an audience of Shanghai company executives, government officials, and the mass media, Sharp President & COO Mikio Katayama outlined Sharp's environmental policies and measures. Group General Manager Hiroshi Morimoto of the Environmental Protection Group followed with specific examples of Sharp's environmental protection measures in China.
After the lecture, the many questions on environmental standards at Sharp plants and the company's management methods indicated the high level of interest in environmental protection in China.

The lecture venue

President & COO Mikio Katayama

Mr. Chen of the Shanghai Municipal Economic Commission (center) and Sharp representatives
Sharp's environmentally friendly products on display