Fiscal 2006 Financial Results
(1) Overview of Financial Results
Net sales set a record for the fourth consecutive year at 3,127.7 billion yen, up 11.8% over the previous year and exceeding 3 trillion yen for the first time.
Operating income was 186.5 billion yen, up 13.9%, and net income was 101.7 billion yen, up 14.7%, both compared to the previous year, and both representing record-setting levels for the fourth year in a row.
Beginning in fiscal 2006, we changed our accounting method. Previously, royalty and technical assistance fees were included in "Other income," and the costs of royalty and technical assistance fees were included in "Other expenses." However, these are currently included in "Net sales" and "Cost of sales," respectively. With this change, for the year ended March 31, 2007, net sales are up 15.6 billion yen and operating income is up 11.1 billion yen compared to the previous classification. However, this change has no impact on net income. |
(2) Sales by Product Group*
For detailed information, please download
Supplementary Data (PDF: 85KB).
*Note: Sales by Product Group include internal sales between segments (Consumer/Information Products and Electronic Components).
Consumer/Information Products
Sales of Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment were 1,381.5 billion yen, up 26.6% over the previous year.
Sales of LCD TVs grew, centered mainly on large-screen models, and sales of mobile phones for the Japanese market also increased.
Sales of Home Appliances were 239.1 billion yen, up 6.4% over the previous year, and sales of Information Equipment were 446.9 billion yen, up 4.7% over the previous year.
As a result, sales of these three product groups comprising Consumer/Information Products were 2,067.5 billion yen, an increase of 18.6% over the previous year.
Electronic Components
Sales of LSIs were 190.7 billion yen, about the same level as the previous year.
Though sales of flash memory declined, sales of CCD/CMOS imagers increased.
Sales of LCDs were 1,042.3 billion yen, an increase of 21.6% compared to the previous year.
Sales of large-size panels for TVs continued strong growth thanks to the Kameyama No.2 Plant becoming operational and the launch of its second phase. In addition, sales of System LCDs, particularly units for mobile phones, also expanded.
Sales of Other Electronic Components were 328.6 billion yen, up 6.0% over the same period last year.
As a result, sales of these three product groups comprising Electronic Components were 1,561.6 billion yen, up 15.0% over the previous year.
Operating income for Consumer/Information Products was 81.7 billion yen, an increase of 31.1% compared to the previous year, reflecting an increase in profit from Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment and Information Equipment.
For Electronic Components, operating income was 105.5 billion yen, up 3.5% over the previous year, reflecting an increase in profit from LCDs.
(3) Capital Investment, Depreciation and Amortization, and R&D Expenditures
Capital investment was 284.1 billion yen, up 29.8% over the previous year. This included investment of 204.5 billion yen for the LCD business centered mainly on the Kameyama No. 2 Plant. Depreciation and amortization was 217.7 billion yen, up 12.7%, and R&D expenditures were 189.8 billion yen, up 2.5%, both compared to the previous year.