Forecast for Fiscal 2010
For fiscal 2010, we expect net sales of 3,100.0 billion yen, up 12.5% over the previous year. Forecast of sales remains as initially announced, by taking into account the progress made in the first half. However, we have revised the forecast of profits downward, reflecting assumed future declines in prices for large-size LCD panels and appreciation of the yen that has surpassed initial assumption. We are projecting an operating income of 90.0 billion yen, up 73.4%, and a net income of 30.0 billion yen, approximately 7 times that of the previous year.
Our assumed exchange rates for the second half are 82 yen to the U.S. dollar and 110 yen to the euro.
Forecast of an year-end dividend for fiscal 2010 has not been determined at this time, as we need further consideration of our future results and financial situation.
Although the business environment is expected to remain unpredictable, we will make company-wide efforts to expand business, by promoting further cost reduction and creating uniquely-featured products, as well as accelerating the bold shift of management resources to the business fields and geographical areas with growth.
Notice of Revision of Financial Results Forecast for the Year Ending March 31, 2011, and Resolution on Interim Dividend Payment (PDF: 84KB)
