Forecast for Fiscal 2011
The business environment has become even more severe than our initial assumptions, including the prolonged appreciation of the yen and the heightened sense of a global economic slowdown. In addition, although floods in Thailand have not caused any damage directly to our production facilities, a bottleneck in the supply of parts and logistics is a source of concern.
After giving careful consideration to such circumstances and in light of the progress made in the first half toward achieving performance goals, we have made revisions to our previously announced forecast for fiscal 2011 for net sales from 3,050.0 billion yen to 2,800.0 billion yen, and for operating income from 97.0 billion yen to 85.0 billion yen.
The forecast for net income for fiscal 2011 remains the same as previously announced because we expect to be able to shrink other expenses.
Our assumed exchange rates are 78 yen to the U.S. dollar and 107 yen to the Euro.
We will distribute an interim dividend of 5 yen per share. The forecast for the year-end dividend for fiscal 2011 has not yet been determined, as we need to perform further analysis on the future business environment.
