
Paper Settings

Paper Tray Settings

Paper tray and paper type settings are explained in this section.
These settings specify the paper type, paper size, and functions allowed for each paper tray.
When the [Tray Settings] key is tapped, a list appears showing the trays and the current settings.

Auto Tray Switching

When a tray runs out of paper during printing, this determines whether or not another tray with the same size and type of paper is automatically selected and printing continues.

Factory default settings:

Display Paper Tray Settings when bypass tray detects paper.

You can have the paper tray settings appear automatically when paper is detected in the bypass tray.

Factory default settings:

Paper Weight

These are used to control the toner fusing temperature according to the weight of the paper.
These settings apply to recycled paper, punched paper, pre-printed paper, letterhead paper, colored paper, and user type paper.
You can select "16 to 23 lbs." or "23+ to 28 lbs." ("60g/m 2 to 89g/m2" or "90g/m2 to 105g/m2").

Factory default settings
: 16 to 23 lbs (60 to 89g/m2)

Settings of each tray

When the [Change] key is tapped, the corresponding setting screen appears.
The following settings can be configured.

List name Description


Select a type of paper to be loaded into the tray.

The paper types that can be selected vary by paper tray. For more information see " Tray Settings".

To user type setup, see " Paper Type Registration".


Select the paper size from the list. The paper sizes that can be selected vary by tray. The sizes that can be selected may also be restricted by the paper type selected above. For more information see " Tray Settings".

If the desired size does not appear in the list, select [Custom Size] and directly enter the size (only for the bypass tray). For more information see " Tray Settings".

Feeding Approved Job

Select the modes that can be used. If there is a function that you do not wish to be used with the selected tray, disable the function.

When the "Type" is other than plain paper, recycled paper, colored paper, or a user type, [Fax] and [Internet Fax] cannot be selected.

  • If the paper size specified here is different from the size of paper that is loaded into a tray, a problem or misfeed may occur when printing.
  • To change the paper size in a tray, see " IMPORTANT POINTS ABOUT PAPER".
  • Paper properties such as "Fixed Paper Side" are automatically set when the paper type is selected. The paper tray properties cannot be changed in this screen.
  • [Settings]-> [System Settings]-> [Common Settings]-> [Device Settings]-> [Basic Settings]-> [Prohibit Paper Tray Settings], [Prohibit Use of Large Capacity Tray], [Use Paper Desk] When is set, the paper feed tray (excluding the bypass tray) cannot be set.

Tray Settings

Paper Tray Paper Type Size

Tray 1

Plain1/2, Pre-Printed, Recycled, Letter Head, Pre-Punched, Color, Heavy Paper 1-4*1, Envelope, User Type

Auto-AB (A3W (12" × 18"), A3, B4, A4, A4R, B5, B5R, 216 mm × 330 mm (8-1/2" × 13"))

Auto-Inch (12" × 18", 11" × 17", 8-1/2" × 14", 8-1/2" × 11", 8-1/2" × 11"R, 7-1/4" × 10-1/2"R)

8-1/2" × 13-1/2", 8-1/2" × 13-2/5", 5-1/2" × 8-1/2"R, A5, A5R, A6R 8K, 16K, 16KR

When [Envelope] is selected as the paper type COM9 and Monarch are selectable.

Tray 2
(When a Stand/550 sheet paper drawer /
Stand/2x550 sheet paper drawer /
Stand/3x550 sheet paper drawer /
Stand/550&2100 sheet paper drawer is installed)

Plain1/2, Pre-Printed, Recycled, Letter Head, Pre-Punched, Color, Heavy Paper 1-4*1, User Type

Auto-AB (A3W (12" × 18"), A3, B4, A4, A4R, B5, B5R, 216 mm × 330 mm (8-1/2" × 13"))

Auto-Inch (12" × 18", 11" × 17", 8-1/2" × 14", 8-1/2" × 11", 8-1/2" × 11"R, 7-1/4" × 10-1/2"R), 8-1/2" × 13-1/2", 8-1/2" × 13-2/5", 5-1/2" × 8-1/2"R, A5R, 8K, 16K, 16KR

Tray 3
(When Stand/2x550 sheet paper drawer /
Stand/3x550 sheet paper drawer is installed)

Tray 4
(when a Stand/3x550 sheet paper drawer is installed)

Tray 3
(when a Stand/550&2100 sheet paper drawer is installed)

Plain1/2, Pre-Printed, Recycled, Letter Head, Pre-Punched, Color, User Type

8-1/2"x11", A4

Tray 4
(when a Stand/550&2100 sheet paper drawer is installed)

Plain1/2, Pre-Printed, Recycled, Letter Head, Pre-Punched, Color, User Type

8-1/2"x11", A4, B5

Tray 5
(when a Large capacity tray is installed)

Plain1/2, Pre-Printed, Recycled, Letter Head, Pre-Punched, Color, Heavy Paper 1-2*1, User Type

8-1/2"x11", A4, B5

Bypass Tray

In addition to the paper types in trays 1 to 4, Thin Paper*1, Envelope, transparencies, label sheets, Tab paper, Glossy Paper

Auto-AB (A3W, A3, B4, A4, A4R*2, A6R*2, *3, A5R*2, B5, B5R, 11" × 17", 8-1/2" × 11", 216 mm × 330 mm (8-1/2" × 13")*2, 216 mm × 340 mm (8-1/2" × 13-2/5")*2, 216mm × 343mm(8-1/2" × 13-1/2")*2 Auto-Inch (12" × 18", 11" × 17", 8-1/2" × 14"*2, 8-1/2" × 13-2/5" (216 mm × 340 mm)*2, 8-1/2" × 11", 8-1/2" × 11"R, 7-1/4" × 10-1/2"R, 5-1/2" × 8-1/2"R, A3, A4, B4, B5) Size Input-AB (X=140 mm to 457 mm, Y=90 mm to 305 mm) Size Input-Inch (X=5-1/2" to 18", Y=3-5/8" to 12") 8K, 16K, 16KR, A5, Custom1 to Custom7

*1 Heavy paper 1: 28 lbs bond to 65 lbs Cover (106 g/m2 to 176 g/m 2) Heavy paper 2: 65 lbs Cover to 80 lbs Cover (177 g/m2 to 220 g/m2) Heavy paper 3: 80 lbs Cover to 140 lbs Index (221 g/m2 to 256 g/m2) Heavy paper 4: 140 lbs Index to 110 lbs Cover (257 g/m2 to 300 g/m2) Thin paper: 13 lbs bond to 16 lbs. bond (55 g/m2 to 59 g/m2)

*2 The size that is automatically detected is set in "Select Paper Sizes for Auto Detection" in the bypass tray settings screen.

*3 Thin paper of A6R size cannot be used.

Tray Registration

Select Paper Sizes for Auto Detection

"Select Paper Sizes for Auto Detection" in the bypass tray settings screen is used to select the paper size that is automatically detected from similar sizes when the automatic paper size detection takes place.
When paper that is the same size as one of the paper sizes in the settings is placed in the bypass tray, the size that is selected in the settings will be automatically detected.

List name Description


A4R, A5, 216mm x 330mm (8-1/2” x 13"), 216mm x 340mm (8-1/2" x 13-2/5"), 216mm x 343mm (8-1/2" x 13-1/2")


8-1/2" x 14", 8-1/2" x 13-2/5" (216 mm x 340 mm), 8-1/2" x 13-1/2" (216 mm x 343 mm)

Custom Size Registration (Bypass)

If you frequently use a non-standard size paper in the bypass tray, register that paper size in advance.
Registering the paper size saves you the trouble of setting the size each time you need to use it.
Up to Seven paper sizes can be registered.
Tap the key ([Custom 1] to [Custom 7]) in which you wish to register or change a paper size, and the registration screen appears.
Select whether you wish to enter the size in mm ("Size Input-AB") or inches ("Size Input-Inch"), and then set the X and Y dimensions of the paper.
"Size Input-AB"
The X direction can be set between 140mm and 457mm.
The Y direction can be set between 90mm and 305mm.

Factory default settings:
X:420 mm, Y:297 mm
"Size Input-Inch"
The X direction can be set between 5-1/2" and 18".
The Y direction can be set between 3-5/8" and 12".
Factory default settings:
X: 17" Y: 11"

Paper Type Registration

Store a paper type when the desired paper type does not appear as a selection or when you wish to create a new set of paper properties.
Up to 7 paper types can be registered.

List name Description

Type Name

Register any name.

The factory default names are "User Type 1" to "User Type 7".

Fixed Paper Side

Use this setting when paper with a front and reverse side is used.

Factory default settings:

Disable Duplex

Use this setting when paper loaded cannot be used for 2-sided printing.

Factory default settings:

Disable Staple

Use this setting when paper used cannot be stapled.

Factory default settings:

Disable Stapleless Staple

Use this settings when paper used cannot be stapleless stapled.

Factory default settings:

Disable Punch

Use this setting when paper used cannot be punched.

Factory default settings:

Disable Fold

Use this setting when using paper that cannot be disable fold.

Factory default settings:
The settings that can be selected vary depending on the peripheral devices installed.

Version 04a / bp70m65_usr_04a_us

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