Net Sales by Product Group
Note: Sales by Product Group include internal sales between segments (Consumer/Information Products and
Electronic Components). Please refer to the
Supplementary Data (PDF: 104KB).
(1)Consumer/Information Products
Net sales of Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment products were 239.2 billion yen, 10.9 % over the same
period last year. LCD color TVs, mainly large-screen models, recorded sales increases, as did mobile phones.
Sales of LCD color TVs were 81.9 billion yen, approximately 1.5 times the same period last year, while the number
of units sold was 0.75 million, approximately 1.6 times the same period last year. Large-screen models sold
particularly well, with models 30 inches and larger accounting for more than 30% of Sharp LCD color TV sales
during the first quarter, up from 18% the same period last year. Next month, we will release the 65V-inch AQUOS,
the world's largest digital high-definition LCD TV, as an aggressive new entry into the ultra-large-screen TV market,
which has been held for PDP TVs. With the move towards digital and high-definition TV expected to increase
demand for full high-definition models, we will release 50V-inch-class and 30V-inch-class models by the end of this
year in addition to 65V-inch and 45V-inch models. These models will keep Sharp on top in the flat-panel TV market.
Sales for mobile phones were 106.0 billion yen, up 10.7 % over the same period last year. Despite sluggish sales in
the domestic market, our mobile phone sales increased in number of units and in average sales price. While a fall
in prices negatively affected our sales in overseas markets, overall sales were up thanks to healthy sales in Japan.
For the second quarter and afterwards, we plan on a timely introduction of distinctive phones with advanced
functions that incorporate our proprietary devices.
Net sales for Home Appliances were 57.6 billion yen, up 6.0 %. Despite intensifying competition both in Japan and overseas and price drops for conventional products, we exceeded the results of the same period last year by enhancing specially featured products like the Water Oven (Superheated Steam Oven) and Plasmacluster Ion home appliances.
Net sales for Information Equipment were 106.3 billion yen, up 3.5 %, thanks to improved sales for copier/printers, especially digital color copiers.
Overall, net sales of Consumer/Information Products comprising the total of these three product groups grew to 403.2 billion yen, up 8.2 % over the same period last year.
(2)Electronic Components
Net sales for ICs were 44.6 billion yen, down 22.3 % from the same period last year. This was due to factors including unit price drops especially for flash memory.
Net sales for LCDs were 169.2 billion yen, up 0.7 %. Large-size panels accounted for approximately 45% of total LCD sales, while small- and medium-size panels accounted for approximately 55%. With the market for LCD TVs continuing to grow and TV screen sizes getting larger, LCD panel supply continued to have a hard time keeping up with demand. While the price of panels remained stable over the first quarter, it was substantially lower compared to the same quarter last year due to continuing price drops over the past year. We were able, however, to absorb this and exceed the results of the same period last year by recording high sales of large-size LCDs. Net sales for small- and medium-size LCDs were down, partly because of a significant slump in STN LCDs. However, increased sales of large-size LCDs were enough to offset this and allow us to maintain sales at about the same level as the same period last year.
Net sales for Other Electronic Components were 66.5 billion yen, up 5.3 %. Solar cell sales were up 43.4 % to 32.7 billion yen, thanks in particular to growth in overseas markets. While sales were down for laser diodes and other devices, this product group as a whole increased sales over the same period last year.
Overall, net sales for the Electronic Components comprising these three device groups totaled 280.4 billion yen, down 2.9% from the same period last year.